STC-NIU dues are past due. If you have not yet submitted your dues to Dr. Reyman, please do so as soon as possible.
The English Department has awarded STC-NIU a Larry Johannessen grant to help pay for our activities including the STC Technical Communication Summit this summer, May 20-23.
-STC Summit
Members who would like to attend the Summit must first join STC International; some of the benefits of joining include networking opportunities and access to job listings, the two STC journals, and various other resources. The fee for students is $75: http://www.stc.org/membership/join-or-renew-now. If anyone is interested, please contact Dr. Reyman; dues are due at the next STC-NIU meeting on October 19th.
-Service Project: Engineers Without Borders grant writing
The vice president of Engineers Without Borders, Rohan Escobar, gave a little bit of information about the projects they are planning on doing, as well as which grants they are thinking about applying for. As of right now, they are looking to get a USOAR grant and a Pepsi Grant. Rohan will email STC-NIU with a list of other possible grants, and we will work with them more closely in the spring semester.
-Other Chapter Projects
Lindsay reported that she is still looking into a multi-site super bake sale and fundraising opportunities at various restaurants. With the grant, we may not need a super bake sale, but it was suggested that STC-NIU set up in a building that sees fewer bake sales. Also, in addition to Potbelly’s, Steak’n Shake and local bars were proposed as good locations for a possible restaurant fundraiser.
Amber and Ben said they would like to have a theme for this semester’s newsletter but are still looking for ideas and input from the writers. One theme suggested at the meeting was technology—for example, an overview of important programs for technical writers to know. An email calling for articles will be sent shortly.
Students are still interested in an InDesign workshop, so we are considering putting one together. STC is planning to give a grant writing workshop sometime in November to help prepare for the service project with Engineers Without Borders as well.